• Costa dei trabocchi

Food & Wine

The genuineness and freshness of food products decisively influence the cuisine and typical dishes of the Sangro Aventino. It's about real emotions to live while seated at the table, enjoying the traditional inland “frentana” cuisine and authentic seafood obtained only with daily fresh fish on the coast. There are many typical local products such as olive oil, a must taste is the local and monocultivar Intosso olive oil, wineTornareccio's honey, truffles, cheese including caciotta frentana ideal for preparing dishes such as “pallotte cacio e uova” (cheese and eggs-balls) or the renowned fiadone, and then meats, such as frentano sausage (Slow Food Guarantee) and liver sausage. There is also a riot of home-made pastas, traditional country breads with preparations such as “pizza scima” (without yeast) and then a round-up of typical sweets such as “cellipieni”, “sfogliatella” typical of Lama dei Peligni and “bocconotto” of Castel Frentano. In addition to the many quality restaurants that will allow you to taste a genuine and authentic local gastronomy, there are also numerous farmhouse restaurants, ideal for an experience in a slice of rural life: a moment of conviviality in a family context to taste preparations with an ancient flavour. For romantics don’t miss out a dinner on the trabocco, with traditional marinara cuisine, as the sanvitese broth and stuffed cuttlefish, that let you taste a slice of Abruzzo’s cuisine.

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