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Dietro le mura

Locality: Casoli
Address: Via San Rocco 35
MOBILE: +39 320 842 7704
EMAIL: dietrolemuracv@gmail.com
TAG: Bed & Breakfast
Request Information

The house is suitable for both couples and families, with a maximum occupancy of 4 guests + 1 crib. It is equipped with all the amenities for young children. The property is a standalone house and features a fully equipped kitchen, refrigerator, oven, washing machine, WiFi, Smart TV, hairdryer, a set of towels for each guest, bed linens, a courtesy kit (shampoo-shower gel and moisturizer) for each guest, hypoallergenic aloe pillows, and a memory foam mattress.

Dietro le mura Dietro le mura Dietro le mura Dietro le mura Dietro le mura Dietro le mura Dietro le mura

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