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Ethnographic Museum

Locality: Bomba
Address: Via Roma
MOBILE: 328/0358839 - 340/2392427
EMAIL: gicaniglia@gmail.com
TAG: Museum
Request Information

This Museum was created with the aim of bringing young generations closer to traditions by means of the work and daily life tools; its purpose is to let youths discover their identity through the knowledge of the value of their own culture and territory. The Museum collects the tools used by people to produce everything they needed to fulfil their needs and improve their family conditions: the work tools shed, the cellar, the loom room, the bedroom, the kitchen and the craft, school and games corners. The visiting students or tourists will be guided by the same old people who used those objects during their life.

Museo Etnografico Bomba Museo Etnografico Bomba Museo Etnografico Bomba Museo Etnografico Bomba Museo Etnografico Bomba Museo Etnografico Bomba Museo Etnografico Bomba

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