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Trabocco Turchino

Locality: San Vito Chietino
PHONE: 0872/676616
EMAIL: info@traboccoturchino.com
TAG: Other, Trabocchi
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A piece of history on the Abruzzo coast, celebrated by Gabriele D'Annunzio.

The Abruzzo sea has become famous for its "trabocchi," ancient fishing machines built on the water that still amaze with their ingenuity.

The trabocco, or trabucco, is nothing more than a wooden stilt house extending towards the sea and anchored to the rocks, from which long arms called "antenne" protrude. These arms are a system of ropes and levers to which a huge net with tight meshes, called "trabocchetto," is fixed, to be immersed and pulled back for fishing.

D'Annunzio described it in "The Triumph of Death" as follows:

"From the farthest point of the right promontory, above a group of rocks, there extended a trabocco, a strange fishing machine, all made of planks and beams, resembling a colossal spider [...]

After the guided tour, you can enjoy an unforgettable day on the characteristic pebble beaches and panoramic bike and walking excursions along the cycle-pedestrian path created following the redevelopment of the Adriatic railway line, which has made the former coastal route accessible. The Turchino trabocco is a place of peace and culture, a scenic and tourist attraction open to public visits, connecting the sea with the mainland and owned by the municipality of San Vito Chietino.

After its collapse in 2014, the Turchino trabocco was faithfully reconstructed with a dedicated financial commitment to continue its new life while respecting its history and original structural integrity.

Due to its historical value, it is listed among the "Luoghi del Cuore" (Places of the Heart) in Abruzzo reported to the FAI (Italian Environment Fund): in 2018, it was proposed for the census organized by the Fund, ranking 14th in the national ranking and 1st in the regional ranking.

Trabocco del Turchino San Vito Chietino Trabocco del Turchino San Vito Chietino Trabocco del Turchino San Vito Chietino Trabocco del Turchino San Vito Chietino Trabocco del Turchino San Vito Chietino Trabocco del Turchino San Vito Chietino

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