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On Via Nazionale Frentana at Lama dei Peligni, is the public fountain called Fontecannella, used by locals. We do not know its date of construction, but by building type that characterizes it is possible to suppose that the fountain dates back around the last century. However, in all probability, it existed since the sixteenth century an oldest fountain, built using a local source. The water flows constantly from three parallel pouring spouts in a rectangular tank, supported by two pedestals that terminate at the bottom with scrolls. On the bottom wall runs a protruding frame, above which rises a small penthouse higher in the central part. On both sides of the fountain there are paved shelves in stone, useful for supporting the containers to be filled with water drawn from the three spouts. Tutto il piccolo edificio è appoggiato ad un muro costruito con pietre cementate che fa da terrapieno al declivio collinare sovrastante. La fontana è un ricordo tangibile del passato di Lama dei Peligni, quando non ancora esisteva nella cittadina la rete idrica presente in ogni abitazione e ad attingere l’acqua alla fonte erano per lo più donne e giovinette con le caratteristiche “conche”; la fontana, allora, era luogo privilegiato d’incontro e di scambio di notizie. All the small building is leaning against a wall built with cemented stones that serves as the natural slope above. The fountain is a tangible reminder of the past of Lama dei Peligni, when it still didn't exist in the town the water system in every home and to draw the water from the spring were mostly women and young girls with their characteristic "valleys", the fountain then was a privileged meeting point to exchange news.