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Treglio, originally called Trellius, in 1400 belonged to the land attributed to Lanciano, its destiny and the events of its history until the 18th century were closely linked to those of the city of Lanciano. Biographical sources date the construction of the Church of Maria Santissima Assunta in Cielo between the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 19th century. A document found in the council archive of Treglio from 1802 is testament to the permission by Ferdinand IV for the ‘Villa del Treglio’ to enlarge the parish church. Later a letter of 1818 documents the request for council funds to enlarge the church. In 1855 the restoration work began aimed at consolidating the building structure and the roof. Further interventions between 1912 and the 1940s led to the construction of a bell tower and the renovation of the internal chapel of Santissimo Crocifisso. The design of the church is very simple it is made of a single nave and three rib-vaulted bays and an apse at the end. The façade in brick is framed by piers –or square bottomed pillars- that support a tympanum. The bell tower on the right of the façade is divided into two orders. The interior is a single nave with three bays and a choir stall decorated with frescoed plaster. Two chapels are in the central vault, the nave ends with the apse-.